Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Idiot Jerk who added to my nightmares

We arrived home from our long road trip in the wee hours last night. There is a lot to process, but for now all I'll say is the hardest part of the trip occurred only a couple hours from home. Around one in the morning Chris was driving and spotted a drunk driver speeding along behind us. He got as far away from the truck as soon as he spotted it and then we observed it for a couple minutes. I don't know if I've ever seen a drunk driver before or not. I've seen some pretty stupid drivers in my time but as dumb as they were and as angry as they made me I was never as fearful as I was of this driver. He sped up and slowed down for no apparent reason, couldn't stay between the lines and pulled sharply in and out of lines in a frightening way, often switching from an empty lane to one with a car just ahead. He almost hit other cars at least twice. We called 911 and reported it and then we made sure to hang back where we couldn't be hit. A couple minutes later he went to take the exit and there was momentary frustration at the thought of him getting away followed by the inevitable accident. I think somehow I knew it was going to happen. He drifted right into the guard rail sheering the right side of his truck. We called 911 for the second time in five minutes, but kept on driving. It didn't look like a serious accident and we did not want to mess with that guy. If he's lucky he'll just need some body work, a new mirror and a paint job...not that he'll be driving any time soon assuming they apprehended him. We saw the cops headed for the accident minutes later and can only hope the idiot didn't try to drive off in his banged up truck.

Yes, I hate drunk drivers and this incident was frightening and anger inducing. The hardest part though was the sound of the accident. Even from 4 lanes over and a little ways back with all the noise of the highway I still heard the horrible grating noise of metal on metal, a sound which makes me want to scream and then be sick. To think about the accident the changed my life was inevitable. We were thankful that we weren't hurt by the idiot. We were also thankful that he didn't hit another car. Still, another nerve-wracking scene I didn't need with a noise to haunt my waking and sleeping was not what I needed.

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