Monday, May 24, 2010

One of those days/weeks/months

It's one of those days when I just want to pick up the phone and call my mom because trying to get through it myself is exhausting. Up at 6 after a bad night of sleep, out the door at 7:30, drop the younger two kids at a friends, pick up my dad, drop Dakota at preschool, drop my dad at the train, run into CVS, scoot out to the lab for my glucose test, up to my midwives appointment, back down to the lab, back up to the office for a shot of roGam, off to a couple quick errands, stop at the post office to have mail held for my dad, pick up the younger two kids, pick up Dakota at preschool, home again to try and do lunch and get everyone down for naps or quiet time!!!! Those are just the scheduled events of the morning! They don't include that my heartburn is driving me nuts, I'm so tired I can barely stand, the middle child is whining, the youngest fell asleep in the car and won't sleep now, or that I just found out the next two Wednesdays have school related events over lunch that conflict with the youngest's nap schedule. It's times' like these I NEED my mom. I need her to do the errands for Dad and keep my kids when they need naps and I have conflicts, and fix me a snack guaranteed to help me feel better and listen to me complain about doing my glucose test AND getting a shot of roGam (which leaves me sore for a couple days) in the same day and tell me it will all be okay and pray that I can get some rest. Maybe it's selfish, but I miss you, Mom!!!

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